The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.

Jesus — Mark 10:45

I am among you as one who serves.

Jesus — Luke 22:27

Jesus gave Himself in selfless service for others, and His service took a wide variety of forms according to people’s needs. In its most general and simple form, our mission, like His, is to be one of serving.

Mission is a comprehensive word that describes all God sends us into the world to be and to do.  It includes introducing people to Jesus (the Gospel), and it includes serving the needs of people (social responsibility). 

Certainly Jesus did both. He proclaimed the Gospel — the good news of how to enter the kingdom of God, and how it grows. Jesus went about “preaching the Gospel of God . . . for that is what I came for” (Mark 1:14, 1:38).

Jesus also did many simple acts of kindness. He fed hungry mouths and washed dirty feet; He healed the sick, comforted the sad, and taught and spent time with children. Jesus sends His Church into the world to be a servant Church. 

We are simply sent — to SERVE. 

"The one who listens to you, listens to Me . . ." 

— Jesus (Luke 10:16)

Simply put, we are simply sent! And especially, we are sent to say.

The harvest that we live, work and play in the midst of is plentiful. People around us want to hear good news. The best news anyone can ever hear is about Jesus. And we have the privilege of telling others about Jesus. 

Jesus is “good news of great joy for all the people” (Luke 2:10). There are plenty of people you live, work and play with that would be receptive to the Gospel of Jesus Christ if they heard it. 

You have been sent to create opportunities for people to hear the Gospel. 

Simply put, you’ve been sent to say.

Join us this week as we continue our Simply Sent series!

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Stay there, eating and drinking whatever they give you, for the worker deserves his wages. Do not move around from house to house. Luke 10:7

Am I productive, or am I just busy? 

The world in which we live so values productivity that being busy can become a badge of honor that we wear. Most of our days are hurried.  We boast of moving from one appointment, one errand, and one relationship to the next, at a breakneck pace, only to crash each night and do it all over.  

This hurried lifestyle can actually frame how we practice our spiritual lives as well.  Before long, our walks with Jesus can resemble something more like a drive-through pitstop at a fast-food restaurant rather than an in-step journey as a disciple of Christ.

But busy isn’t the same as productive and hurried is no way to live to the full. So how do we learn to walk differently? What if our spiritual lives actually shaped our everyday lives? How would it change how we move through our community, where we invested our time, who we encountered, and what we communicated? 

Simply put, we’ve been SIMPLY SENT.

After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. 
Luke 10:1


It’s easy to think we’re under qualified, incapable, or just too overly busy to have a significant or effective purpose in God’s plan. 

It isn’t true.

Just like God sent Jesus into the world, Jesus sends you.

He sends us with full provision, in total reliance, for real purpose, as His servants.